The theme for the 2025 show is African Armor.
The definition is any armored themed entry serving on the African continent from 1899 to the present. The entry must contain documentation (the documentation should meet the requirements indicated in the judging criteria for the 0.5 research point).Click here to go to the pre-registration page.
There are many benefits to pre-registering:
Registration is required even if you are only bringing for-display models.
If you are not registering for the show, but want to purchase your walk-in admission now, click here.
AMPS Sponsoring the First 5 Junior Registrants.
Attention Junior modelers! AMPS is sponsoring the first 5 Juniors who register for the AMPS 2025 show? That’s right, the first 5 Junior members will have their registration fees refunded to them after registering for the AMPS 2025 show.
New for AMPS 2025 - Digital Registration Forms
For those who choose not to pre-register but still wish to register their models for the contest, we are offering digital registration on site durng the show. Handwritten registration forms will not be accepted for AMPS 2025.
AMPS will have a separate Walk-In Registration area for those who did not pre-register for the show. A laptop and printer will be provided for members to complete the registration process and enter their models. AMPS will also provide Registration Coaches to assist members as needed.
We recommend that you consider pre-registering for the contest to avoid the walk-in registration delays. Pre-Registration is open until Sunday, May 11, 2025, and you can add your models and print out your forms up to Saturday, May 17, 2025. If you need help pre-registering, please contact Neil Stokes, Brian Eberle or Chuck Rothman.
Category and Best Of Sponsorships Available
Now that the holidays are behind us and AMPS Nationals is in front of us, Frank Froment. the Sponsorship Coordinator, is opening up the Categories and Best of awards for sponsors.
Here is a breakdown of the costs:
Click here to see all Categories and Best Of awards.
Please contact Frank Froment with your requests. When you do, please include your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices. Once you are confirmed, Frank will message you back with payment information.
Seminar Signup is now open
This year, you need to sign up for a seminar ahead of time to reserve your spot. If you don't sign up before the show, there may not be any room for you on show day.
There are knowledge seminars which are free for paid attendees, and hands-on seminars which have a nomial fee to cover supplies. All seminars can be viewed by clicking this link.
Please note - you need to be pre-registered for the show or pre-purchase walk-in admission before you can register for a seminar.
Use this link to get the special AMPS rate:
Our special AMPS room rate is $149 per night, excluding taxes. WIFI and parking are included in the room rate.
If you want to reserve your room by telephone, call 717-763-7117 and quote group code 051425AMP.
AMPS 2025 Officer Elections
Results from the 2025 AMPS Elections
With more than 145 members casting ballots, the society has elected:
Neil Stokes as President
Robert Riviezzo as 2nd Vice-President, Eastern Region
Chuck Aleshire as 2nd Vice-President, Midwest Region
Eric Choy as 2nd Vice-President, Central Region
Paul R. Miles as 2nd Vice-President, Western Region
Chris Lloyd-Staples as 2nd Vice-President, International Region
AMPS extends our sincere appreciation to our outgoing officers (Mike Petty, Jeff Nelson, and Robert Bethea) for their enduring service to AMPS.
The position of 1st Vice President will be appointed to complete the existing term of office leading up to the 2026 AMPS elections.
Brian Eberle
AMPS Election Certifying Agent.
Boresights Can Now Be Downloaded
In the May/June 2024, issue of Boresight, Mike Petty indicated that based on feedback from the membership on the inability to download or share Boresight digital editions our webmaster would examine options for the e-Board to consider. While the e-Board is concerned about protecting AMPS copyright content and preventing mass file sharing, our webmaster has developed a process to print their digital issue of Boresight to a printer or save as a PDF (through the browser's Save As PDF function available in Chrome, Safari and Edge).
If you want an offline copy of Boresight, view the online copy, and click the "PRINT/DOWNLOAD THE ISSUE" menu at the top of the page. A window will appear with instructions.
Please note that Boresight is protected by copyright under U.S. and international copyright laws and is the property of the Armor Modeling & Preservation Society. Members of AMPS are permitted to print issues of Boresight and save them as PDF files on personal devices. You will have to acknowledge and consent to the copyright provisions before you can print or download a copy of Boresight.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your regional VP, Neil Stokes or Mike Petty.
AMPS Judging Training is Online
The Armor Modeling and Preservation Society (AMPS) is a fantastic and unique organization for armor modelers. It is based on the idea to make every armor modeler better at their skills and reward well-executed modeling work. AMPS provides recognition and constructive comments for every model judged at a show. Each model is judged against a set of AMPS criteria, and no other modelers. To do that, all AMPS members are encouraged to become involved in the judging system in some capacity. Our judging system is peer based, so we need many trained judges to ensure consistency and fairness at our many shows.
Training seminars are held at all International Conventions, and at a many local and regional shows. We have now put the training presentations online so that you can train yourself. Any AMPS member can access this training, and it is encouraged! Whether you are just starting to build armor models, or you have been building armor for a while, reviewing these lessons are bound to help you be a better modeler and increase your understanding of the AMPS judging system.
Visit the official AMPS Gear web page, where you can buy AMPS branded apparel. Wear some AMPS spirit!
Please note. At this time, the AMPS Store can only ship within North America.
Visit the official AMPS Gear web page, where you can buy AMPS branded apparel. Wear some AMPS spirit!
Please note. At this time, the AMPS Store can only ship within North America.